Keep calm & clutter gone

When we found ourselves experiencing a rare alone moment recently on one rainy Sunday afternoon, we of course pounced on the opportunity to pour ourselves a nice steaming hot cuppa and fire up Netflix. And in the process of doing so, we stumbled across a documentary that immediately peeked our curiosity.

Simply entitled “Minimalism: a documentary about the important things”, the film follows two Americans who have made a living (literally) out of having less in their lives. They left their jobs, downsized their homes, took a long hard look at the things they had accumulated in life and then decided they didn’t actually need hardly any of it. And as it turns out, having less stuff actually made them happier. And, they’re not the only ones.

Minimalism, as the movement has been coined, is now being embraced, not just in America, but also throughout the world. And it’s gaining traction. In fact, when we took a second to think about it, we realised that this concept of de-cluttering your way to a happier and more fulfilling life has been circulating for some time. From George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces TV show for channel 4, to Gretchen Rubin’s book The Happiness Project. There are even TED talks that challenge our relationship to “stuff” and champion living in smaller spaces.

So, if you’re ready to take on the clutter in your home head-on in a bid to bring about a happier and more harmonious habitat, here’s some sources of inspiration to kick start you into action…

Watch: Minimalism

Joshua and Ryan are The Minimalists, and it was their 2016 documentary on the subject of Minimalism that first brought team Willow & Hall’s attention to the concept. It’s a feature length film so put it on one evening when the kids are in bed and prepare to be enlightened. This documentary challenges everything we’ve been conditioned to believe about consumerism. By the time it’s played through don’t be surprised if your home and most of your possessions are up for sale.

Read: Gretchen Rubin

After penning The Happiness project, which saw Rubin devote a year of her life to proactively trying to make herself happier, Gretchen discovered that a little organisation and downsizing goes a long way to putting a permanent smile on your face. She’s since penned follow-up novels Happier At Home and Better Than Before and has become a leading pioneer on how making small habitual changes at home can make you happier. This blog post on 11 quick tips for de-cluttering your home is a great way to ease yourself into Minimalism with some immediate fixes you can make in minutes.

Watch: Graham Hill’s Ted Talk “Less Stuff, More Happiness”

Filmed as part of 2011’s Ted Conference, Hill’s talk on reducing the amount of unnecessary stuff in your life is a mere 5 minutes long. A fitting length of time considering the topic covers off the importance of having less. It’s freely available on the TED website online and despite being only minutes long, it still manages to get across some important and thought provoking ideas and stats around the concept of living with less in life. You could even watch it in the ad break between another TV show. How’s that for organised?

Watch: George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces

A caravan that doubles up as an office? An underground toilet that’s become a live-in apartment? These are the kinds of modern day living arrangements that George Clarke wants to highlight in his Amazing Spaces program for Channel 4. Just like Minimalism promotes, it is possible to cohabit in a smaller space than you think, and for that space to be functional and meet your everyday needs. That’s precisely what the small space projects featured in this series prove.

So, if you’ve been lamenting your studio apartment for its small proportions, or feeling like you’ve outgrown your current home and need to upsize, we hope we’ve provided enough food for thought to make you take a second look at your situation. As these talks, books and films demonstrate, with a little ingenuity, imagination and determination, it’s possible to turn any sized space into a practical dwelling that ticks all the boxes.

Luckily, we can assist you in your quest for Minimalism, a beautiful Willow & Hall sofa bed for example is the perfect solution for minimalist living. And, for all those items that can make your home feel cluttered a chaise or ottoman with plenty of storage space is a great solution. To learn more visit our website. Or, if you have any questions you can contact our Customer Service team on 0845 468 0577 or email

Kind regards,

The Willow & Hall team












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