A Home for Your Books

For the last couple of weeks I’ve been really conscious of where I constantly find books in our house. I have two of them by the sink in our bathroom (I love reading in the bath), three or four on my bedside table (I have a nasty habit of reading several of them at the same time), and some stray ones in unexpected places around the house.

What I’ve realised is that although we have a few bookcases and shelves it seems that books always find a way to escape and never quite find their poor way back.

I remember that finding a place to stack all the books was quite a challenging task when we moved in. However we soon discovered with a little imagination there’s actually ample storage options even for smaller spaces so if you can spare at least one wall for keeping everything from Ulysses to Harry Potter you should go for it! Books are meant to be read, of course, but once you’re finished with them, they can also serve as a gorgeous decor element – especially when you put a whole lot of them in one place.

When my husband and I were looking for ideas we found a few brilliant book storage options so I thought I’d share them with you. Check them out while I go and put all our poor stray books back on the shelves where they belong!

A Home for Your Books 1

source: http://www.dickoatts.com/home-library-design-with-classic-theme-mood/home-library-design-with-sofa-and-white-wool-carpet/

I love the fact this has multi-purposes, incorporating some trinkets and treasures to make it feel much more homely as well as visually breaking up the books a little.

A Home for Your Books 2

source: http://www.houseandhome.ie/article/get-library-look-your-home

If you’re a fan of contemporary interiors, it’s always a great idea to go light: open, slim, and airy bookshelves can easily store your life-long collection of books and create quite a chic look. Alternatively, if you don’t think a bookcase could serve as the centre-piece of the room, you can always refresh your home library a little with several colourful details such as the beautiful yellow sofa pictured here:

A Home for Your Books 3

source: http://thedesignhouseinteriordesign.blogspot.co.uk/2012/01/trend-say-goodbye-to-your-big-brown.html

No lovely bookcase would be complete without an equally lovely piece of furniture to relax and read on. In fact, I’d even suggest taking it a step further and getting a sofa bed such as our excellent quality Dunsmore Sofa Bed:

Dunsmore sofabed

This way whether you fancy sitting on the sofa or getting into “bed” to cosy up and read your books the choice is yours as well as of course having the great option of an extra bed for your guests when they come to stay. Sleeping between huge piles of books can be quite a romantic experience after all!

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